Pollard Teaches Prior A Few Tricks


Whenever Nottinghamshire history is a talking point, Robin Hood is at the forefront of conversation.

The tradition is proudly continued today by Nottinghamshire’s Official Robin Hood, Tim Pollard, who has a long association with the cricket club.

“When the t20 season rolls around I have been down at the ground obviously because of the Outlaws link,” Pollard said.

“It’s great fun keeping the crowd entertained by being on the pitch with the mascot and signing autographs.

“What more could you ask for than a man in a Robin Hood costume next to a giant squirrel.”

Someone that knows everything about the heritage of Nottingham realises the potential of having extra people in the city thanks to the Ashes test.

“I am hoping, with Sky’s focus, that it can promote everything about Nottingham as there are plenty of places to see and things to enjoy.

“The city has good night life, places to eat and obviously heritage. There is a lot more to it than just Robin Hood and hopefully people can come down here and see it for themselves.

“It’s brilliant that the Ashes are here and Nottingham as everyone knows is a great historic city.

“Through the Ashes we are adding more and more to the heritage and the sporting heritage around the area.”

Tim was speaking at the Matt Prior photo shoot after he had been giving the England cricketer some archery lessons on the castle grounds.

“The castle is central to all things Nottinghamshire and not only have you got the great grounds of the castle itself, it is actually a brilliant heritage and art museum with events happening non-stop.

“There are loads of events throughout this busy summer and we have an open air theatre happening so when the sport isn’t here there is plenty to do.”